Lines for Joe M | The Night That The Storm Came In

Let's see how we do this time... Gotta raise our game. X

  • And I was walking around town, miserable with life, a rotten heart, poor lungs, circling the old square and thinking about young whores and young love and how I had no money to rent or keep either

  • I want to tell you of the eyes I saw, how lost they'd become and how I knew we'd never survive another.

  • 'Dog Found Stranded on a Raft. Weak but alive. BELIEVED TO HAVE A HEART!'

Lines for Joe M ~ 2 Stories of the Sea & Love

My Joe M lines for the post are:

  1. I looked at the sea. There were a few people out in it, bobbing around like sewage between swollen rows of waves. 
  2. You'll be OK me old mate, I thought. Just a minor bump. You've the joys of love to flatten you yet
  3. Up above the sun appeared dazzled by its own brilliance. It was beating down, so hot it seemed to muffle all sounds except the heave and sway of that fucking ocean.